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What are my Chances of Getting Temporary Custody of my Nephew?

What are my Chances of Getting Temporary Custody of my Nephew?

My brother was arrested and charged with domestic battery 2nd degree for spanking his child, the child turns red off of any small thing, he has very sensitive skin, his child’s mother pressed charges on him because he’s about to go and apply for full custody of his son because she is disabled and unable to care for herself without the assistance of a home health aide, and there maybe a younger child in the home as well.

I urge you to go talk to an experienced family law attorney in your area right away. It is possible you might be able to get temporary custody but there is not enough room in this type of forum for an attorney to know all the facts. Time is of the essence. If your nephew is in a bad situation the Judge will look more favorably on action that is taken NOW. The Judge will consider all the factors and will look for what is in the best interest of your nephew.
